S R Rao
Dr. Popularly known as SR Rao, Dr. Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao was born on 1 July 1922 in Anandpur village of Shikaripura taluk. This village is about 352 km from Bangalore. is far away. It is 46 km from Shimoga. And about 38 km from Shikaripura. is far away.
Dr. S. R. Rao, as India’s archeologist, led several teams that excavated sites related to the Indus Valley Civilization, particularly Harappa, including the fortified city of Lothal in Gujarat. He also discovered the location of the historical city of Dwarka, which was the abode of Lord Krishna.
Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao completed his education from Mysore University. He worked in the Baroda State Archeology Department. Later he served in various posts in the Department of Archeology of India. Dr Rao has led the excavations of Rangpur, Amreli, Bhagatrav, Dwarka, Hanur, Aihole, Kaveripatnam and many other important areas.
Research and Excavations One of his major works was the direction of research and excavations at Lothal, the oldest port known in history and the most important site of India’s major Indus Valley culture. Dr Rao is a recipient of the Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship and holds a Doctorate in Literature from the University of Mysore.
Rao was also involved in the preservation of monuments like the Taj Mahal and forts. Although officially retired in 1980. He has been involved in extensive research into the ancient history of India, from the sites of the Indus Valley Civilization to the excavations related to the Kurukshetra War.
Rao announced in 1992 that he had deciphered the Sindhi script. Although other experts have accepted his method, his solution has not been accepted, so Sindhulipi remains an unsolved script.
At Kushasthali, near Dwarka, Rao and his team found a 560 meter long wall visible from the seashore. From the dating of the pottery found there, it dates back to BC. 1528 was known. A seal was also found there. He asserted that the three-holed triangular stone anchors found in large numbers in the waters of Dwarka show a continuation in the evolution of anchors by operators with one hole each found at Lothal and Mohenjo-daro.
Rao asserted that the ruins of Dwaraka that have come to light are the historical Dwarkanagara, the home of Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. Later he passed away on 3 January 2013.

Shivamogga is surrounded by beautiful natural spots including waterfalls, forests and hills, making it a favorite destination for nature lovers and trekkers. The serene atmosphere and pleasant climate of this region attracts tourists from different parts of the country.
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